It’s the summer of cruise ships in Cobh Ireland. The first one arrives last April after two years of Covid lockdown and the last one is scheduled to dock on October. The season of cruise ships coincides with sunnier and warmer months but that may not be the case all the time because Ireland weather can be unpredictable sometimes. At any case, it’s nice to see cruise tourism is back in Cobh.
Whether you are a local or a visitor, i would recommend you check out this visiting cruise ships. They usually arrive in the morning and departs late afternoon or early evening. Here are 4 reasons why you should see one at least once this year:
1) Cruise ships are big and magnificent and you get to see them up close in Cobh Cruise Terminal. Seeing it stationary would give you an appreciation of its immense size. If you simply love cruise ships, you would see different sizes here and also some older and some newer ones.

2) If you come early for the cruise arrival, you would see how it turn on the narrow strait of Cobh Harbour before it finally park next to the terminal. With the help of a pilot boat, this big ship is guided and pulled to safety and moored.
3) Cruise economy is a boost not just to Cobh but also to other nearby towns. A visit to Cobh and a welcoming smile show we are ready to be a tourist destination island again. The hospitality of the locals are often evident by the welcome party from the Cobh Heritage ladies and also from the brass band.

4) Your visit to Cobh comes not just with a cruise ship sighting but also a visit to a historic town. After strolling on the charming Waterfront, why not explore more of Cobh’s attractions or take a boat ride to Spike Island.

Did you visit Cobh and see this cruise ships this year already? If you haven’t seen them yet, there’s still a few more weeks of arrivals before you see them again next year.
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